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Choosing the right locksmith for your needs is VERY IMPORTANT! Remember, you are trusting this company with your home or business. Unfortunately in this industry it often takes a bad experience to appreciate what a good reputable company provides.
Please take a moment to look through each of these links when searching for a security professional. Being informed can not only save you time, but money too! Choosing the right locksmith! www.findalocksmith.com ALOA Tips for securing your home:
Security is built with LAYERS. People often say, "Why should I have deadbolts on my door- thieves will find a way in anyways..." or "...I have an alarm system so I don't need deadbolts." This is like saying, "Why should you lock your car door if a thief can just break the window?" The idea of security is not based on having one solution to prevent anyone from being able to bypass it, but by having LAYERS of security you decrease the chance of being a victim. Half of the equation is to make your home appear less of a target. Keep your property well maintained so bushes and other shrubbery do not allow a burglar to hide easily. Have sufficient lighting to illuminate doors, windows, and walkways. This allows your neighbors and others to clearly see if someone is lurking around your home. Talk to your neighbors. Yes, I know this can be difficult and sometimes awkward, but having an extra set of eyes watching your property especially while your away can be extremely helpful in preventing crime! If you do not already have DEADBOLTS on all of your doors then now would be the time to have them installed professionally! Deadbolts are not only mechanically harder to bypass than door knobs, but they signal to potential burglars that you take your home's security seriously. Thieves are more likely to move on to a less secure home because it will be less hassle and quicker to bypass a door without a properly installed deadbolt. If you have one or more doors with a windows then it may be beneficial to have a double sided dead bolt installed in them! This type of hardware requires a key to operated the deadbolt on both sides of the door thus preventing someone from getting in by breaking the glass window. Depending on where the door is located and how often it is used- this may be a practical solution. Now that you have deadbolts- USE THEM! Do not leave your home unlocked. Get in the practice of locking your doors even when you are home. Burglaries can happen any time of day and the last thing you want is to be caught off guard especially if you are in a part of your home where you can not hear someone at the front door. Check your windows to make sure they have AT LEAST 2 locks on each. Most modern day windows will have two. Do not give out extra keys to your home unless ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY! This means your neighbors, extended family or friends. The reason is simple: Standard keys are easy to lose or copy period. The easiest way to bypass a lock is with a working key! Ask yourself, "Would I feel O.K. paying a locksmith to re-key my house if this person lost my key?" Ultimately you are the person responsible for keeping your valuables safe and secure. |
Clients often ask, "What should I use to clean my door hardware?" Follow this link for a simple way to make old hardware look newer!
Polishing your brass door hardware. Lighting can be an effective deterrent also. Thieves will often pray on homes at night where it is difficult to see the crime actually being committed. Accent lighting and security lighting are not the same thing!
Accent Lighting is often times a light source (spotlight, garage light, patio light, ect) That is activated by a switch inside the home or at dusk which gives off a softer more ambient light. This is a great first step, however these lights rely on you, the home owner to activate them or a timer (which is predicable and may go unnoticed by others)! Security based lighting is a little different. A security light is a light source that is bright. It will draw attention to a trespasser. It is activated by a triggered alarm. This type of lighting is an added LAYER to your existing lighting scheme. The most common and effect way to add security lighting is with motion activated lighting. Sometimes you can add this feature for less than 25$ to an existing flood light fixture by buying a motion sensor adapter. You can buy a fixture with this feature built in and replace your existing fixture(more expensive). We have been installing motion activated flood lights that use LEDs and are Solar Powered. Our company really likes this solution because it is VERY cost effective and flexible. New wiring does not need to be installed and these lights can be mounted in very strategic areas all over the home and yard. Not to mention- Solar power is free. Alarm systems are another layer of security that can be added for minimal cost. Alarm systems are a reactive device so by definition they have very little preventative power in stopping crime. If you have an alarm system or are planning to install one, you should post stickers on your doors and windows when ever possible signalling to would-be-thieves that you take security seriously. This is a proactive measure to help deter crime. An alarm system should back-up all your other layers of security. It should not be your only defense! Remember, your goal is to prevent the crime from happening in the first place. If you would like to add another layer of security then a Camera System would be a great way to do this. The costs associated with installing quality cameras in your home have become VERY AFFORDABLE! Cameras not only record evidence of a crime but they are a visible deterrent as well. If you have an internet connection in your home or business then cameras can also become a very effective monitoring tool as well. Cameras come with motion detection. They can see at night with Infrared light and alert you via email when something happens. This is a really great feature if you own a Smart Phone! |